Horsham District Council marks Sussex Day

Published: 16 Jun 2023

HDC Chairman Cllr David Skipp and Vice Chairman Cllr Nigel Emery prepare to raise the Sussex Day flag

Today is Sussex Day and Horsham District Council marked the occasion by raising the Sussex Day flag at its Park House building in North Street, Horsham this morning (16 June).

Flying the Sussex Day flag

Later in the day Horsham Museum and Art Gallery is celebrating the day by launching its programme of Friday Lates; welcoming visitors in the evenings over the summer months to enjoy refreshments and live music and entertainments.

The Museum is celebrating Sussex Day with traditional Sussex dancing in its beautiful walled garden, refreshments will also be served.

There will be further entertainments in Horsham’s historic Carfax area in the early evening with live performances on the Carfax bandstand and an array of drink and street food stalls.

For further information about the Museum evening openings, please go to the Museum website.

For more information about the Council’s early evening entertainments programme please go to the Events in Horsham town centre page.