Local RAF veteran honoured at 2023 Armed Forces Sunday celebration

Published: 26 Jun 2023

Group with Veteran Ray Ferring and Cllr Skipp

Senior members of Horsham District Council and the Horsham branch of the Royal British Legion honoured a Horsham-based RAF veteran this year at the closing ceremony of Armed Forces Week on Sunday 25 June in Horsham.

Flight Lieutenant Raymond Charles Fenning (Retd), (who likes to be known as Ray), was awarded the Cold War Campaign Medal by Chairman of Horsham District Council Cllr David Skipp.

The medal presentation was followed by the closing ceremony for the week of Armed Forces celebrations, marked by the lowering of the Armed Forces Day flag at the War Memorial in Horsham’s Carfax.

Cllr Skipp also read a dedication thanking our Armed Forces personnel, veterans and families for their service and support.

Celebrations throughout the week included:

A flag raising ceremony on Monday 19 June to mark the start of Armed Forces Week.

The Royal British Legion Horsham Legionnaires band played on the Carfax bandstand on the afternoon of Saturday 24 June.

On Armed Forces Sunday the Horsham branch of the Royal British Legion hosted a day-long event featuring military displays, vehicles and demonstrations, a marching band and drill displays by the Army Cadets in Horsham’s Carfax, plus various military, charity and veteran themed promotional stalls and musical performances.

Flight Lieutenant Raymond Charles Fenning (Retd) was awarded the Cold War Campaign Medal

Horsham District Council committed to the Armed Forces Community Covenant in 2014. This is a voluntary statement of support between the Council and the local Armed Forces Community, including all those who are serving or have served in the British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Merchant Navy.

Events were carried out across the country throughout the week.

Armed Forces Week is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to service families, veterans and cadets. There are many ways for people, communities and organisations across the country to show their support and get involved.

More information is available on the Armed Forces Week website.

For media queries please email press@horsham.gov.uk .