Horsham District Council wants to understand the support that businesses need to take action on climate change.
Businesses are invited to complete a short online survey to tell us about the actions they are taking and the barriers they currently face to become a more climate friendly business.
The Council recognises how vital businesses will be in reducing carbon emissions across the District and the challenges businesses face in adapting to increasingly extreme and unstable climatic conditions.
A draft Climate Change Action Strategy has been published which outlines the work the Council, its key partners, and the wider community will need to take towards becoming a carbon neutral and climate resilient District.
The Strategy will include the relevant issues that matter to businesses and the contribution this important sector can make in tackling climate change. This survey forms a key step in understanding these needs.
The survey is open from Monday 4 September. Please complete the survey by 13 October to be entered into a prize draw. Both the draft strategy and the survey are available on our carbon neutral businesses page from Monday 4 September.
Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Climate Action and Nature Recovery Cllr Colette Blackburn commented:
We fully recognise that tackling climate change is not easy.
As a Council we have recently declared a climate and ecological emergency for our District which will further strengthen our climate change work.
Our survey to engage with key stakeholders and gather their feedback is vital to help us make a significant change to the District’s carbon emissions.
Businesses who complete this survey will help us to understand their sustainability needs.
Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Local Economy and Place Cllr Ruth Fletcher added:
I would like to encourage all businesses to complete this survey to make sure that our Climate Action Strategy is representative of this important sector within our community.
Your responses will help to identify the climate actions you are already taking and the barriers you face so that we can ensure the Council and its partners can provide the most appropriate support and opportunities.
Businesses can find out more about our work on our Climate Action webpage.
A dedicated business webpage is also available providing useful resources and information to help Horsham District businesses on their way to become carbon neutral by 2050.
Businesses who want to stay up to date with climate action and support in the District are invited to sign up to a quarterly climate action business newsletter which will include low carbon and sustainability topics.
To join the Sustainable Business Hub email.
For media queries please email press@horsham.gov.uk