Horsham Town Centre was delighted to host Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne recently as she met members of the newly formed Horsham District Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) and helped to launch a new Smartphone app to crackdown on business crime.
The unique intelligence and information sharing app which is called Disc, is being offered to retailers and business partners in the Horsham District free of charge thanks to funding from the Sussex Police & Crime Commission.
Registered users of the app can use it as a platform to alert one another about shoplifters or those committing anti-social behaviour. The app enables users to quickly share information, including a description of offenders, times they were last seen and even allows them to add images. The app also allows users to swiftly report crime to the police.
The aim of the app is to increase communication amongst retailers, enabling stores to manage exclusion or banning schemes, as well as efficiently and effectively submitting detailed reports, helping the police to catch offenders.
The Disc app is the first crime reduction initiative to come from the BCRP. The Partnership was launched in the summer of 2023 as a result of Horsham District Council working in conjunction with the Sussex Police and Crime Commission.
The good news is that already over 100 Horsham businesses have joined BCRP and registered for the Disc app. To register, please email communitysafety@horsham.gov.uk
Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Communities and Wellbeing Cllr Sam Raby commented:
It was a pleasure to meet up with Katy Bourne, Sussex police officers and members of the BCRP as we went on a tour of Horsham to speak with retailers and business owners about the benefits of the Disc app.
“We are really encouraged at how positively the app is being received as it will help businesses work more closely with each other and the police to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in and around their premises.
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne said:
“Disc not only helps retailers to be more aware of crime but they can be more prepared too.
“I know from speaking with many retailers, the fast-paced nature of their roles means they often don’t have time to be on the ‘phone reporting incidents and can’t always take time away from the shop floor but, for crime to be solved, it needs to be reported in the first place.
“This is why Disc is an important tool. Its user-friendly design means it is quick and easy for retailers to navigate, it is GDPR compliant and is helping to drive down crime through the sharing of detailed information and intelligence.
“I’m delighted that Horsham is joining many other areas across Sussex who already successfully use Disc and I look forward to hearing more from retailers in the area once they’ve had time to get used to the new tool.”
The Horsham District BCRP’s new Board comprises Ben Hewson from Horsham BID (Chair), Ross Andrews from Horsham Pubwatch and Gill Buchanan from Swan Walk Management. Horsham District Council and Sussex Police are non-executive members. A number of local retailers have already shown an interest in joining the Partnership.
The launch of the Disc app for Horsham comes as the National Business Crime Centre launches its 'Safer Business Action Week' which runs from Monday 16 October.