New Cabinet Members for Horsham District Council announced

Published: 10 May 2024

At the Annual General Meeting of Horsham District Council on 8 May 2024, two new Cabinet Member appointments were made.

Cllr David Skipp was appointed as the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Green Spaces, succeeding Cllr Jon Olson who stepped down from the position due to changes in his professional commitments outside the Council. Cllr Olson was thanked for his considerable contribution as a Cabinet Member.

Cllr Tony Frankland becomes the Cabinet Member for the newly-created portfolio of Performance, Customer Service and Communications.

The eight-strong Cabinet now consists of the following councillors:

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure - John Milne

Cabinet Member for Finance - Mark Baynham

Cabinet Member for Climate Action and Nature Recovery - Colette Blackburn

Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Green Spaces - David Skipp

Cabinet Member for Housing, Communities and Wellbeing - Sam Raby

Cabinet Member for Environmental Health, Recycling and Waste - Jay Mercer

Cabinet Member for Local Economy and Place - Ruth Fletcher

Cabinet Member for Performance, Customer Service and Communications - Anthony Frankland.

Commenting on the appointments, Leader of the Council Cllr Martin Boffey said:

“I would like to thank Cllr Jon Olson for his exceptional contribution over the last year, including expanding our green spaces portfolio with the protection of Bramber Brooks for our residents, steering the Capitol Theatre renovation project to approval by Council, and ensuring the fun was brought back to Horsham District with an expanded program of music and events.

“We are very lucky to have such an experienced Councillor to succeed him as Dr David Skipp, who has a passion for our District’s leisure and cultural offering and unparalleled knowledge of its places and people.

“Cllr Tony Frankland has become a valued member of our team in his first year on the Council, and I am excited to see him apply his broad professional experience to the Council’s key goal of always listening, learning and improving.”