Horsham marks 80th anniversary of D-Day

Published: 07 Jun 2024

The Spinettes performing on Horsham's Carfax Bandstand

A series of events were organised by Horsham District Council and the Horsham Branch of the Royal British Legion on 6 June to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

St Mary’s Church in Horsham’s Causeway was the focus of a ‘Ringing out for Peace’ bell ringing ceremony at 6.30pm to which the whole community was invited. This is part of a national initiative and churches across the country took part.

Rev’d Canon Lisa Barnett of St Mary’s Church led lead prayers in the Carfax at the War Memorial.

This was followed by entertainment on the Bandstand from The Spinettes who performed a wide selection of war time favourites and retro hits from the 1940s to the present day.

Councils and communities across the country were invited to celebrate the D-Day anniversary by lighting a Beacon. Representatives from the Royal British Legion, Horsham District Council, and St Mary’s Church came together to light the Beacon at 9:15pm at the War Memorial.

Further prayers of commemoration were then held. There was a short address by the Council’s Chairman Cllr Nigel Emery, the Chairman of the Horsham Branch of the Royal British Legion Zäl Rustom.

The Beacon was lit at the same time as the five Beacons that were lit along the beaches of Normandy, representing the light of peace after the darkness of war.