Have your say on proposals for Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26

Published: 18 Sep 2024

Have Your Say

Horsham District Council is asking for feedback on proposed changes it is making to its Council Tax Support Scheme in a new public survey.

The consultation will run from 27 September to midnight on the 10 November.

Its Council Tax Support Scheme (CTSS) has been in place since April 2013, and provides financial support to many residents, helping them to pay their Council Tax.

There are currently two separate schemes, a national scheme for pensioners and a local scheme operated by the Council for working age residents.

The Council is proposing amendments to the working age scheme only as the pensioner scheme cannot be changed at a local level.

We are asking all residents of Horsham District to review the proposed changes and let us know their thoughts. All feedback captured will be reported to the Council, which will vote on whether to introduce any changes to the scheme for the future.

Commenting on the survey, Horsham District Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources Cllr Mark Baynham said:

“We're asking you for your views on how much support we should give to people who might struggle to pay their Council Tax bill.

“Your views really do count and we are looking for feedback from everybody across the Horsham District on what is a really important scheme for some of the most vulnerable of our residents.”

If agreed, any amendments to the scheme would start on 1 April 2025.

Look out for the survey from 27 September at:
