Fairer more consistent parking charges for Horsham District

Published: 11 Feb 2025

Top floor of Swan Walk carpark pictured on a sunny day

Horsham District Council is revising its parking charges across the Horsham District, enabling users to manage their parking needs more flexibly.

The revised parking charges were agreed in October 2024 and will be incorporated into the overall budget which will be set at a meeting of full Council on 24 February 2025.

With many tariffs not having increased since 2022, parking tariffs are now set to increase by an average of 9% from April 2025. This adjustment reflects the significant financial pressures facing local authorities and the need to maintain effective parking management across our town centres.

Horsham District Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources Cllr Mark Baynham explained:

We understand that any increase in parking charges impacts our residents and businesses. This decision was not taken lightly but is necessary to ensure we can continue delivering high-quality parking services whilst managing our financial responsibilities to the broader community.

The Council found the increases necessary due to ongoing financial pressures arising from economic uncertainty and reduced Government funding. The increases will help prevent cuts to other vital services, supporting those who are struggling with the cost of living.

Additionally, Horsham town centre Sunday charges will move from all day rates to time-based rates.  No other comparative council in the vicinity of Horsham offers a substantially cheaper Sunday tariff compared to other days of the week. While many councils have opted to apply their full Monday to Saturday tariff on Sundays, we have chosen a more balanced approach. A two-hour tariff and an all-day tariff, based on our three to four-hour rates, will provide a fair compromise for users.

The additional revenue will also help cover ongoing maintenance and improvement costs for car parks, ensuring that everyone contributes equally to the upkeep of these facilities, regardless of the days they are using the car parks. We need to ensure that fees on Sundays do not continue to run at a loss and are not subsidised by our Council Taxpayers.