Horsham District Council has balanced its budget for 2025/26 securing the lowest Council Tax rate in Sussex with no cuts to front line services for its residents.
The balanced financial and capital budget will be delivered despite significant reductions in core government funding and the impact of higher National Insurance employer contributions. The Council will also still be in a position to drive improved efficiencies and identify savings going forward.
It will also provide substantial support for the most vulnerable of the District, whilst investing in capital and environmental projects in line with its Council Plan objectives.
The budget was approved by the District councillors at the meeting of full Council on 24 February 2025.
It was agreed that fees and charges across its services would increase, raising Council Tax in the District by £4.67 a year (2.7%) on a Band D property.
Sound financial management and healthy reserves put the Council in a good position to continue to help vulnerable residents struggling with the cost-of living crisis, take action to meet the environmental challenges of the climate emergency and still invest in significant capital projects.
Following a public consultation earlier in the year, the Council increased its support for vulnerable residents to help them pay their Council Tax. Residents on the lowest income in Horsham District will now receive up to 100% relief on their Council Tax, an increase from the current 90% maximum discount.
Other changes to elements of the means tested criteria within the Council Tax Reduction Scheme were also agreed which will widen eligibility for residents.
The budget will also accommodate a significant £15.6 million capital programme, investing in infrastructure and facilities for residents, housing provision for the homeless and expanding the work being undertaken on achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030 which is one of the Council’s key objectives.
Horsham District Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finances and Resources Cllr Mark Baynham commented:
“I believe this is a really strong budget which will ensure that we can continue to deliver excellent services to our residents over the coming year and beyond which is really important to us.
“Our agreed budget will direct significant investment into areas that our local communities want to see prioritised such as, increased support for the vulnerable, ongoing community support programmes for all ages and key initiatives to reduce carbon emissions for the District.
“Despite these relatively modest increases, the Council will continue to charge the lowest Council Tax in Sussex and remain in the lowest quartile in the UK.
“We will take every step possible to protect priority services that will improve Horsham District and the quality of life for its people.”