Horsham District Council’s new round of Green LEAP grant funding to support carbon friendly projects for local small businesses opens to applications on Wednesday 2 April 2025.
Green LEAP grants of up to £5,000 will be available for small Horsham District based businesses to fund climate-friendly projects which will not only help future-proof their businesses but also support the achievement of their business’ climate ambitions. LEAP Grants of up to £2,000 will also be available to fund other project ideas which will help boost local businesses.
Businesses seeking funding must apply early as grants are being assessed and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will close at midday on Friday 25 April 2025, or earlier if all funding is allocated.
Barbara Childs, Horsham District Council Director of Place commented:
We are pleased to be launching this new round of LEAP grants to help future-proof local businesses, whether that be through part-funding projects which help them unlock a whole host of benefits associated with becoming more sustainable, such as reduced operational costs, or other business priorities.
I would urge businesses to get their applications in early to access this popular funding opportunity before it is fully allocated.
Tottington Manor, a local venue nestled at the foot of the South Downs, received Green LEAP funding in 2024 to support their ambition to be as sustainable as they can be. Co-owner Steve Pomery said:
Our two biggest costs are heating and chilling. Whilst our big ideas to introduce solar and create heat from our refrigeration are still a couple of years away, we have just commissioned our new log burners in our Olive Lounge and Inglenook. These look great and one of the units uses the excess heat from log burning to preheat our water going into our central heating and hot water system to reduce the amount of oil we use in colder months.
A big thanks goes to Horsham District Council for their support through the Green LEAP awards.
Find out more about eligibility requirements, the application process and how other local businesses have used their LEAP grant on our website.
The grant scheme is called the Local Enterprise and Apprenticeship Platform (LEAP) Small Business Grant Scheme and is part-funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
LEAP has received £50,000 from the UK Government through the UKSPF.