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Horsham District Council lion

Chesworth Farm receives Local Wildlife Site accolade

Horsham District Council has recently received the very exciting news that Chesworth Farm has been awarded Local Wildlife Site status for nature conservation in the Horsham District.

Published: 22 Apr 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Mark of respect to HRH The Prince Philip

Horsham District Council Chairman Cllr Karen Burgess, the Council’s Armed Forces Champion Cllr Peter Burgess and Nigel Caplin of the Horsham Branch of the Royal British Legion visited the war memorial in Horsham earlier this week.

Published: 17 Apr 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Apply for a grant to help regrow our economy after lockdown

The Council has received some Government funding help restart our local economy and are looking for proposals from businesses, trade associations or groups of businesses that aim to get our economy up and running again.

Published: 14 Apr 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Council cracks down on litter and fly-tipping

Horsham District Council has launched a major crackdown on highways littering by introducing new technology and recording equipment in key areas.

Published: 12 Apr 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Horsham District mourns the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip

Horsham District Council has, with great sadness, received an announcement from Her Majesty The Queen’s Press Secretary at Buckingham Palace regarding the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, on 9 April 2021.

Published: 09 Apr 2021

Horsham District Council lion

New look Mobile Community Hub hits the streets

Horsham District Council has worked in partnership with Collyer’s (the Horsham based sixth form college) and local vehicle graphics company PVL UK to create a new look for its Mobile Community Hub, formerly known as the Snack Wagon.

Published: 06 Apr 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Council announces Public Spaces Protection Order extension

Horsham District Council is pleased to announce that from 1 April 2021 there will be an extended Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in place across the Horsham District.

Published: 01 Apr 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Environmental health warning: What to do if you receive mysterious seeds in the post

There are fears that the seeds could be an invasive species. The Council are urging anyone who has received such seeds to post them to the authorities, not to plant them or throw them away in with domestic rubbish.

Published: 31 Mar 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Council boost to local start-up businesses

Start-Up Local is a new initiative by Horsham District Council to support residents and business entrepreneurs who have recently started or might be considering starting up their own business.

Published: 29 Mar 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Council urges residents to register to vote ahead of 2021 elections

Horsham District Council is encouraging as many residents as possible to take part in the West Sussex County Council and Police and Crime Commissioner elections on Thursday 6 May 2021.

Published: 24 Mar 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Storrington Waitrose donates to local families in need

Storrington Waitrose has once more donated vouchers and essential items to Horsham based charity Horsham Matters to be distributed to Storrington residents in need.

Published: 24 Mar 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Chairman's Statement: National Day of Reflection across Horsham District, 23 March 2021

Horsham District Council Chairman Cllr Karen Burgess comments on the National Day of Reflection on 23 March 2021.

Published: 22 Mar 2021

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