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Horsham District Council lion

Horsham District’s top Christmas Hot Chocolate Competition winner announced

The winner of Horsham Time Well Spent's Christmas Champions Hot Chocolate competition has been announced.

Published: 18 Jan 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Neighbourhood wardens turn Blue Monday to Brew Monday in Ashington

In support of Brew Monday, Horsham District Council's Ashington Neighbourhood Wardens delivered goodie bags of teabags, biscuits and stress balls to elderly and vulnerable residents.

Published: 18 Jan 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Council launches more grant funding for new and start-up businesses

Horsham District Council’s Economic Development team reopened access for applications for its Local Enterprise and Apprenticeship Programme (LEAP) small business grants funding on 14 January 2021, targeted at new and start-up businesses in the District.

Published: 18 Jan 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Council enables warmer, more energy efficient homes for Horsham District

Horsham District Council, in partnership with other neighbouring local authorities has secured new funding through the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme to help local residents save money and improve the energy efficiency of their homes in the Horsham District.

Published: 18 Jan 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Car park improvements to go ahead in Henfield

Residents and visitors in Henfield are set to benefit from new investment to improve the library car park in the village.

Published: 14 Jan 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Neighbourhood Wardens turn Blue Monday into Brew Monday

On Monday 18 January the Horsham Wardens will be hosting ‘Brew Monday’ (aka Blue Monday) where people can sit and chat over a brew.

Published: 12 Jan 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Horsham District’s Window Wonderland winners announced

The winners of Horsham District’s 2020 Window Wonderland Christmas windows and displays competition have been announced.

Published: 06 Jan 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Have your say on Council’s Public Spaces Protection Order plans

Horsham District Council would like to hear the views of people living in, working in or visiting the Horsham District on their plans to renew and extend the prohibitions on their Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).

Published: 05 Jan 2021

Horsham District Council lion

Buy Local: it’s not just for Christmas

Horsham District Council has worked hard to support all local businesses in 2020, but never harder than in the run up to Christmas. Marketing campaigns, competitions and promotional trails have all helped to support purchasing safely.

Published: 22 Dec 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Council advises caution to District's hospitality businesses on using outside seating areas

As hospitality businesses look for ways to increase customer seating for their guests as a result of the current pandemic, many are deciding to set-up marquees or gazebos in outside areas in order to meet social distancing and household-mixing guidelines.

Published: 21 Dec 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Horsham District Community Climate Fund’s first recipients announced and new funding launched

Horsham District Council is delighted to announce the initial recipients who have successfully been awarded valuable contributions from its Community Climate Fund.

Published: 18 Dec 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Waitrose Storrington donate Christmas presents to local volunteers

Storrington Neighbourhood Wardens in partnership with the local Waitrose branch are donating presents to local volunteers who worked so tirelessly to support local Community Hubs in the peak of the coronavirus pandemic this year.

Published: 17 Dec 2020

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