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Council leaflet drop to spread message of support during pandemic

During the current health crisis, it is crucial that residents across the entire District are provided with accurate and up to date information during these difficult times.

Published: 15 Apr 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Donate to the Horsham District COVID-19 Appeal

A community support appeal has been launched to help with funding for the Horsham District Community Volunteer Hubs and community group Horsham Matters.

Published: 09 Apr 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Horsham District small businesses already benefitting from grant funds

Some 163 small local businesses have already benefitted from the Government's business rate grant funds in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Published: 09 Apr 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Your Community Volunteer Hubs for the vulnerable across Horsham District and how to contact them

help and support for vulnerable people during coronavirus is managed at either national, county or local level, depending on which groups people fall into.

Published: 07 Apr 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Horsham Museum & Art Gallery: Horsham Spies

It may come as a surprise to our readers that there are two well-known spies with connections to Horsham. These individuals are not usually remembered due to their spy craft, but because of other aspects of their colourful lives.

Published: 07 Apr 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Grants now open to support small businesses

Grants now open to support Horsham District small businesses affected by Coronavirus COVID-19.

Published: 06 Apr 2020

Horsham District Council lion

School of Botanical Artists

An Easter bouquet from Horsham School of Botanical Art.

Published: 02 Apr 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Horsham Markets continue to supply essential foods during COVID outbreak

Horsham’s Town Centre markets will be in operation again this Saturday (4 April) to supply essential fresh produce in the Carfax and Bishopric.

Published: 01 Apr 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Community Volunteer Hubs established

Horsham District Council, in partnership with volunteer groups has been actively helping the District’s most vulnerable people by establishing Community Volunteer Hubs.

Published: 31 Mar 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Young Enterprise 2020 judging goes digital

This year’s Young Enterprise Business competition has still been completed despite the Coronavirus outbreak and the local winners have been announced.

Published: 31 Mar 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Horsham District Council urges food businesses to not forget about the food safety basics

As local food businesses respond to the challenges presented by the current COVID-19 situation, they are being reminded to not become complacent or let their regular food safety standards slip.

Published: 30 Mar 2020

Horsham District Council lion

Horsham District Council asks Government to pause its Local Plan process

The Government has already relaxed a number of normal requirements but it has not yet relaxed the one for local authorities to review and prepare their Local Plans.

Published: 27 Mar 2020

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