Bramber Brooks Environment Agency Works

Visitors to Bramber Brooks should be aware that the Environment Agency are due to begin undertaking habitat enhancement work on the site.

The purpose of the works is to create a series of the wetland ponds to improve the wetland habitat  and associated raised walkways to facilitate public access year-round.

Material (topsoils and subsoils) excavated from the wetland ponds will be reused to create raised earth walkways. The projects ambition is to be a materials neutral site i.e. no imported or exported materials.

Breaks in the walkways are to be included to facilitate surface water flows, with crossing structures implemented to maintain the access along the raised walkways.

The works are expected to take 12 weeks with construction beginning on June 3 2024 and will mean some closures within the fenced nature reserve area.

Should you have any further queries regarding these works please contact the
Environment Agency National Customer Contact Centre:  
Telephone: 03708 506 506 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm GMT)