Play areas
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Holbrook East Play Areas
As part of our ongoing commitment to improving facilities for children's play, work will soon commence within the Holbrook area of Horsham.
A public consultation was undertaken in to determine the future of two smaller play areas (Standon Place and Bignor Close) which no longer offered good quality play opportunities to our younger residents.
At the same time, the Council had to undertake necessary Ash dieback work, opening up space in the Bartholomew Way woodland which offered some new and exciting options for incorporating play in a natural setting.
The outcome of the consultation has resulted in the following options being progressed and work will begin week commencing Monday 9th September and last for approximately 4 weeks.
Standen Place
Standen Place play area will be refurbished with a selection of play equipment suitable for children under seven (as per the current play area).
As the artist impression shows this will be based on a woodland themed, tying in with the neighbouring surroundings.

Bartholomew Way Woodland
In among the woodland (connecting Bartholomew Way to Lemmington Way), selected pieces of natural play equipment, suitable for children up to 11, will be installed. This will encourage free play and travel through the woodland.
Woodland theme carvings will also feature among the trees with a woodland bench placed between the central bridge and car park adjacent to the nursery.
We have carried out a similar smaller type of project in Dutchells Copse which has proved successful.

Bignor Close
The equipment, surfacing, and fencing in the play area in Bignor Close will be removed and the area will be returned to a grassed area with native trees planted.