Southwater Country Park

Paddling beach 2024

For the 2024 summer holidays, the decision has been taken not to implement the summer booking system for the paddling beach.

The introduction of the free timed booking slots, which ran for the six weeks of the summer holidays, has over the past few years helped us manage the numbers using the beach at any one time and reduce historic parking issues, with visitors coming and going more frequently.

We also seen a reduction in the incidents involving dogs, BBQs on the beach and anti-social behaviour.
We are however aware that many local residents have felt this approach was unnecessary and restricted the spontaneity of their visits.

Therefore, for this summer, the paddling beach area will be open throughout and we will be monitoring how well the park runs and any feedback we receive.

All our visitors should be aware that dogs, BBQs and inflatables are not allowed on the shingle area and that the beach is for paddling only.

This area will remain unmanned and visitors are reminded the beach is for paddling only. It is unsafe to swim or go outside of the designated roped area as the lake is very deep and there is a risk of collision with watersports crafts.