The Queen's Green Canopy

The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Across the UK, people are being invited to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’.

Horsham District Council are proud to be supporting this initiative and we will be working alongside our residents, community groups, schools and businesses to provide guidance and advice over the coming year.

We are also donating a tree to each of the District’s Parishes and Neighbourhood Councils to be planted in a suitable location on either District or Parish Council land.

The Queen's Green Canopy

We will also be planting trees on our own land, including the first of our Queen's Green Canopy tree planting in Horsham Park, and at Warnham Nature Reserve which has been hard hit by Ash Dieback.

With a focus on planting sustainably, the Queen's Green Canopy will encourage the planting of trees to create a legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership of the Nation which will benefit future generations.

Find out more about the celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Before you plant a tree

While trees are a great way of supporting nature we do need to ensure we are planting the right tree in the right location and with the right permissions. There are three key things you need to do before you can plant a tree.

Check who owns the land

You must always have the landowner's permission before planting on land you do not own

If you would like to get involved in a planting project, but don’t have any suitable land of your own, then why not get in touch with schools, businesses or parish councils in your area to ask if they have a project you could join?

Check if the land has special protections or designations

Planting in some areas may be against the law for example some areas of land have special protections or designations due to their existing wildlife or archaeology.

To find out if the area you want to plant has any of these you can also check online:

Make sure you have the right permissions

In England, you do not need planning permission to plant less than two hectares (20,000 sq metres) on your own private land, that has no existing designations. Otherwise an Environmental Impact Assessment from the Forestry Commission would be required.

If you want to plant on land you do not own, you must always have the express permission of the landowner.

If you are considering planting within school grounds or highway verges, please contact West Sussex County Council to plan your planting and ensure it is in a suitable location and the right species are being used.

What to plant and where to plant it

Once you have permission to plant your tree, you'll need to consider what type of tree to plant and where precisely to plant it.

Things to consider when deciding include:

Planting your tree

Once you have chosen your tree species, it's important to ensure your tree is planted during tree planting season, between October and April.

And don’t forget, we are all being encouraged to add your tree planting to The Queen’s Green Canopy national map so that we can see where trees have been planted across the nation to support the Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022.