Volunteer in our parks and open spaces

Horsham Green Gym

Horsham Green Gym is an independent volunteer group run by its members, with support from Horsham District Council. The twice weekly sessions give you the opportunity to join like-minded volunteers improving local green spaces for wildlife and people.  The group works at various sites in and around Horsham, benefiting from exercise and fresh air while improving the local environment, learning new skills and meeting new people.

Membership is free. Tools and training are provided - even the biscuits!  Tasks run from 10am to 1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, most weeks of the year, though you can join in with our activities as little or as often as you wish.

Please note that Horsham Green Gym is unable to support corporate volunteering sessions for groups or individuals.

For further information or to join Horsham Green Gym, please contact;
Tony Cook
Chairman of Horsham Green Gym
Email; horshamgreengym@hotmail.com
Mobile; 07900 607758

Gatwick Green Space

Gatwick Greenspace Partnership is a community project that works to benefit people, wildlife and the countryside between Horsham, Crawley, Horley, Reigate and Dorking.

Whether you want to help the countryside as a conservation volunteer, come along to one of our fun wildlife events, find out how you can improve your land for wildlife, or just visit one of the fantastic sites we help to manage, there is something for everyone to get involved with. The group run a range of events to suit adults, young people and children, throughout the week and at weekends. 
All tools, hot drinks and biscuits are provided, simply  bring a packed lunch.

For further information, please visit sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk/get-involved/community-projects/Gatwick
or contact Tilgate Park Office on:
Telephone: 01293 550730 
Email: tamara.jewell@sussexwt.org.uk

In Bloom

in Bloom is a national initiative which can help to bring your community together and make a real difference to where you live. Whether it's a spot of gardening, cheering up flowerbeds, cleaning and greening up streets or starting a larger project for local regeneration, In Bloom is supported throughout the Horsham District.

Click below to find our more about your local In Bloom group

In Bloom Storrington

In Bloom Steyning

In Bloom Upper Beeding

South & South East in Bloom

Volunteer groups for open spaces in Horsham

Friends of Bennetts Field

  • Contact Diana Sumpter (Chairman), 4 Paget Close, Horsham RH13 6HD

Friends of Manor Fields, Leechpool Lane and Wallis Way (COMP)

Earles Meadow Conservation Group

Friends of Horsham Park

Volunteer groups for trees, woodlands and water in Horsham

Boldings Brook Conservation Group

Hills Farm Conservation Group

Friends of Chesworth Farm

Friends of Warnham Local Nature Reserve

Volunteer groups in Horsham District

Henfield Conservation Volunteers

Storrington Conservation Volunteers

Friends of Meadowside (Storrington)

Sandgate Conservation Society