Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN)

A Fixed Penalty Notice is a fine for a criminal offence.

Fixed Penalty Notices can be issued for a number of offences including littering, fly-tipping, graffiti and breaches of a Community Protection Notice.

Fixed Penalty Notices are an alternative to prosecution in the criminal courts. An offender who is issued with a FPN may still be prosecuted for the offence if he or she:

  • asks to be tried for the offence; or
  • fails to pay the penalty within the period stipulated in the notice.

Pay your notice

If you have been issued with a  Fixed Penalty Notice, click the button below to pay online. If you do not pay within 15 days, the fine will increase.

This form is for Fixed Penalty Notices. Visit our Pay your parking fine page if you have been issued with a parking fine.

Pay Now

Offences and fines

The table below details the offences where a Fixed Penalty Notice can be issued and the relevant fines.

CodeOffenceLegislation Fine if paid within 15 days Fine if paid within 29 days Maximum penalty on conviction
1 Depositing litter S.88 Environmental Protection Act 1990 £110 £150 £2,500
2 Waste Deposit offence S.33ZA
Protection Act 1990
£250 £400 5 Years Prison and/or unlimited fine
3 Unauthorised distribution of free printed matter on designated land Schedule 3A, paras. 1(1) and 7 Environmental
Protection Act 1990
£50 £75 £2,500
4 Breach of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) S.68 Anti-Social Behaviour
Crime and Policing Act 2014
£80 £100 £1,000 (S.67)
£500 (S.63)
5 Breach of Community Protection Notice
S.52 Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 £60 £100 £5,000
6 Failure to furnish written descriptions
of waste (written information)
S.34A (2) Environmental
Protection Act 1990
£180 £300 £5,000 (or on indictment an
unlimited fine)
7 Failure to produce Authority (waste
carriers license)
S.5B Control of Pollution
(Amendment) Act 1989
£180 £300 £5,000
8 Failure to comply with a waste receptacles notice (Commercial) S.47ZA and S47ZB Environmental Protection Act 1990 £60 £110 £1,000
9 Nuisance Parking S.6(1) Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 £60 £100 £2,500
10 Abandoning a vehicle S.2A Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 £120 £200 £2,500 and/or 3 months in prison
11 Graffiti and flyposting S.43 Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 £50 £75 £1,000 to
12 Failure to display no smoking signage in a smoke-free premises S.6 Health Act 2006 £150 £200 £1,000
13 Smoking in a smoke-free place S.7 Health Act 2006 £30 £50 £200
14 Waste and/or recycling containment and contamination S.46 Environmental Protection Act 1990 £40 £80 Civil penalty
15 Cycling on a footway (pavement) S.72 Highways Act 1835 (amended by s. 85(1) local Government Act
1888), Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988
£30 £50 £500
16 Breach of a Byelaw S.47 Byelaws For Pleasure Grounds, Public Walks and Open Spaces 2012 £50 £75 £500