Local land charges
A local land charge is a financial charge or restriction imposed on a piece of land, either to limit the land’s use or to secure payment for a service. It is binding on owners or occupiers of property or land.
Local land charges can be charges for services including:
- Roads
- Restrictions such as Tree Preservation Orders
- Conditions imposed on planning permissions
- Conservation areas
- Legal agreements and listed buildings
When a property or parcel of land is purchased, leased, mortgaged or a valuation carried out, a local land charge search is usually required.
We have a statutory duty to maintain an accurate register of local land charges in Horsham District, and we carry out local land searches.
If you are not sure whether a property is within the Horsham District area boundary, please check the Public Access Map online, email landcharges@horsham.gov.uk or call us on 01403 215416 or 215472.
Standard full search
The Standard full search will reveal all information held on the Local Land Charges Register and any restriction on the piece of land, as well as the information held by Planning, Building Control, Environmental Health and Highways departments.
Our Standard full search includes:
- The LLC1 certificate Experienced and skilled officers inspect and interpret the Local Land Charges Registers and provide all information held about the property, including public health notices, listed status, enforcement notices and legal agreements
- The Con29R A set of standard enquiries will be answered by fully trained and experienced staff in each of the four additional relevant sections: Planning, Building Control, Environmental Health and Highways.
The LLC1 and Con29R are both also available as individual searches.
Full search fees
The prices below set out the full search costs. Individual CON29R and CON290 questions are charged on a per-question basis. View the CON29R and CON290 prices.
If a search has been submitted and has entered the registration process we are unable to cancel the search. The fee for the required search will remain payable and the search will be returned when completed.
Type of search | Base rate | VAT | Total |
Official full search (LLC1 + CON29R) | £152.84 | £23.57 | £176.41 |
LLC1 | £35 | £0 | £35 |
CON29R for full local land charge searches (Part 1). |
£117.84 £15 for additional parcels of land |
£23.57 £3 |
£141.41 £18 |
Apply for a full search
Anyone can apply for a local land charge search. They are usually requested by solicitors, conveyancers, estate agents or personal search companies.
To apply for a Standard full search, please complete the following steps:
- Get a map of your property (the site to be searched) in digital format and clearly outline the property or site that is subject of the search at 1:1250 or 1:2500 scale
- Fill in the online form below and pay by card
- Our aim is to deliver your search within 10 working days
Please note the plan provided must clearly identify the site and include at least one visible road name.
Individual question prices
Question | Base | VAT | Total |
1.1 a-j Planning Decisions | £16.67 | £3.33 | £20 |
1.1 j-l Building Regulations | £16.67 | £3.33 | £20 |
1.2 Planning Designations and Proposals | £1.50 | £0.30 | £1.80 |
2-3.11 Roads | £27 | £5.40 | £32.40 |
3.1 Land required for public purposes | £4 | £0.80 | £4.80 |
3.2 Land to be acquired for road work | *see note below | ||
3.3 a-c Drainage matters | *see note below | ||
3.4 a-f Nearby road schemes | *see note below | ||
3.5 Nearby railway schemes | £1.50 | £0.30 | £1.80 |
3.6 a-l Traffic schemes | *see note below | ||
3.7 Outstanding Notices a-d and f | £8 | £1.60 | £9.60 |
3.7 Outstanding Notices e and g | *see note below | ||
3.8 Contravention of Building Regulations | £8 | £1.60 | £9.60 |
3.9 a-n Notices, orders, directions and proceedings under Planning Acts | £8 | £1.60 | £9.60 |
3.10 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) | £5 | £1 | £6 |
3.11 Conservation Area | £3.20 | £0.64 | £3.84 |
3.12 Compulsory Purchase | £4 | £0.80 | £4.80 |
3.13 Contaminated Land | £6.80 | £1.36 | £8.16 |
3.14 Radon Gas** | £2.50 | £0.50 | £3 |
3.15 Assets of Community Value | £5 | £1 | £6 |
* Question ranges Q2-3.11, 3.2, 3.3 a-c, 3.4 a-f, 3.6 a-l and 3.7 e-g (marked in bold and italics in the table above) are answered by West Sussex County Council. If one or more questions are requested in this range the fee is £27 exc VAT.
** Basic information only - if you require further information contact UK Radon and the Public Health England (formerly the HPA)
Question | Base | Admin Fee | VAT | Total |
4 Road proposals by private bodies | £27 | £10 * | £5.40 | £42.40 |
5 1-3 Advertisements | £1.50 | 30p | £1.80 | |
6 Completion Notices | £15 | £3 | £18 | |
7 1.2 Parks and countryside | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
8 Pipelines | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
9 Houses in Multiple Occupation | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
10 Noise Abatement | £15 | £3 | £18 | |
11 Urban Development Areas | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
12 Enterprise Zones | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
13 Inner Urban Improvement Zones | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
14 Simplified Planning Zones | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
15 Land Maintenance Notices | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
16 Mineral Consultation Areas | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
17 Hazardous Substances Consents | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
18 Environmental and Pollution Notices | £15 | £3 | £18 | |
19 Food Safety Notices | £15 | £3 | £18 | |
20 Hedgerow Notices | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
21 Flood Defence and Land Drainage Constraints | £5 | £1 | £6 | |
22 Common Land (Town or Village Green) | £27 | £10 * | £5.40 | £42.40 |
* Admin fee only applied when Q4 and/or Q22 requested without Full Search or CON29
Personal search
Anyone can undertake a personal search, including a home mover, private search agent or solicitor. A personal search is free.
A personal search gives the applicant access to inspect the Local Land Charges Register, but does not include the Con29 form or the official LLC1 certificate. These can be requested at an additional cost. Check the Land Charge Search fees and charges for more details.
To view the Local Land Charges Register, please complete the following steps:
- Ensure you have the full address of the property and a plan that identifies it at 1:1250 or 1:2500 scale
- Email your property plan to landcharges@horsham.gov.uk
We respectfully remind personal searchers that it is their responsibility to interpret the Local Land Charges registrations and any further enquiries should not be addressed to staff in the Local Land Charges section.
Contact the Land Charges team
For any enquiries relating to Local Land Charges, please contact:
- Email landcharges@horsham.gov.uk
- Call us on 01403 215472
- Write to us at Local Land Charges Development Management, Horsham District Council, Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB