Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan Consultation

Latest News:

27 February 2025 - The Local Development Scheme (LDS) 2025-2028 has been approved by Cabinet on 26 February 2025.

3 February 2025 - The Inspector has informed us that he remain committed to writing to the Council as soon as he possibly can.  He has now indicated that this will not be until towards the end of February / early March at the earliest.  His response will be placed on the Local Plan Examination webpage in due course.

16 December 2024 -  The Local Plan Inspector has published a letter which cancels the Local Plan hearings for the weeks of 17 December, 14 January and 21 January 2025.  A copy of his letter is published on the Latest News from Local Plan Examination webpage.

The Council has drafted a response to this letter: HDC Local Plan Examination Hearing Letter

Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan Consultation

We consulted on the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan between 17 February and 30 March 2020.
View the Draft Local Plan document online here.

The consultation has now closed.

We have received thousands of comments from individuals and organisations.  Read the final report on the findings of the consultation by clicking on the link below.

Read the consultation summary report

Comments received have been made public online here

What happens next

Once comments have been considered and the draft Plan has been further refined, we will publish the final Submission Draft of the Local Plan (Regulation 19).

For further information about the stages of Local Plan preparation and the currently proposed timescales for this to take place, visit our Local Plan timetable page.

I have some questions about the consultation. How can I contact you?

We’d encourage you to read the information on these web pages first as this may answer your question.  If you still have any questions regarding the consultation, or the Local Plan in general, please contact the Strategic Planning Team by emailing or calling 01403 215100

How can I stay informed about the Horsham District Local Plan?

An update on the Local Plan process are being made public on these web pages as we progress the work.

You can sign up here to register for email updates.

Read a summary of the Draft Local Plan key issues

Media release 27 October 2021: Unforeseeable delay to Horsham District Local Plan

Media release 27 July 2021: Delay to Horsham District Local Plan process

Media release 17 August 2020: Council says no to providing for 1,715 homes every year for the next 10 years

Media release 27 March 2020: Horsham District Council asks Government to pause its Local Plan process