Discharging a planning condition

Pre-commencement planning conditions are often attached to planning applications. It is the responsibility of the applicant, or any subsequent developer, to ensure that the terms of all conditions are met in full. Any conditions that need to be discharged should be discharged before development can begin.

Conditions are discharged by supplying further details to us. Adequate information to discharge pre-commencement planning conditions should be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any works start on site.

Failure to discharge conditions before commencing development could result in the development being unlawful or enforcement action being taken.


A fee is payable for each application made to discharge planning conditions.

The fees to discharge a condition are as follows:

  • Householder permissions: £43
  • All other permission:£145

Apply to have conditions discharged

You can apply online to have conditions discharged on the Planning Portal website.

Your application will be sent directly to us, and we aim to respond to your application within eight weeks.

Apply to have conditions discharged

After you apply

We aim to respond to your application within eight weeks. You will be sent a decision notice.

The decision will list all conditions that have been discharged. If we have been unable to discharge conditions, we will provide you with the reasons why.

There is a right to appeal against conditions attached to a planning permission. That appeal must be made within six months of our decision.

Check if Building Regulations approval is needed

Please remember that most projects such as building new homes, or making structural alterations to a property (e.g. extensions, loft conversions, new windows and doors, changing the use of a room to build a bathroom) will also need approval under the building regulations. This is a separate process to Planning and should be done after obtaining planning permission, but before you start the work.

Building Control.

Notify us of any future development

You can also notify us of your intention to initiate development by completing a pre-commencement notification which helps us to monitor your development. There is no fee to use this service.

Please note, this notification does not remove the obligation for you to formally discharge planning conditions and does not remove the need to submit a CIL Commencement Notice if your development is CIL liable.

Complete a pre-commencement notification