View and comment on planning applications
To view and/or comment on planning applications within the Horsham District, please search the Planning System by clicking the button below.
View and comment on planning applications
Applications within the South Downs National Park
If the application you are looking for has an application number starting with SDNP or you know it is located within the South Downs National Park area please search the South Downs National Park planning website using the button below.
View planning applications in the South Downs National Park
Register for email updates on an application
Register your email address with us to stay up to date with planning applications in the District. Once you register you will be able to:
- Track the progress of an application
- Save searches
- Receive email alerts on specific applications
What comments are taken into account?
We welcome any comments, whether in support of an application or objecting to it, but in making a decision we can only take account of planning considerations. The Council will take into account any comments received in writing, however we are unable to enter into further correspondence with you about the application.
The lists below outline what a relevant planning material consideration is and what an irrelevant consideration is.
This list is not exhaustive and the information you enter will be made available on our website.
Relevant material considerations
- Planning Policy including government guidance
- Case law and previous decisions
- Highway, safety, traffic and parking
- Noise, disturbance and smells
- Overshadowing and loss of privacy
- Effects on listed buildings and areas of conservation
- Loss of trees
- Design, appearance, materials and character
Irrelevant considerations
- Matters covered by other legislation
- Effect on value of property
- Private property right
- Personal and financial circumstances
- Loss of views
- Moral or religious issues
- Restrictive covenants
- Private disputes between neighbours
Offensive, racist, discriminatory, threatening and other statements that are not appropriate will not be published.
- Offensive statements lower a person's reputation personally within their trade, profession or business.
- Racist statements are those that are offensive or discriminate against individuals on racial grounds, including their race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins. Gypsies and other minorities are racial groups.
- Statements that discriminate on grounds of religion, sexuality or disability will also not be published.
- Comments that include such statements will be rejected and returned to you but can be resubmitted in a more acceptable form.
The Council is bound by the Equality Act 2010 which applies to those providing services and public functions and prohibits direct and indirect discrimination and harassment all of which these types of remarks might amount to.
What personal information will be published about me if I comment?
We collect your name, address, email address and telephone number when you make a comment. We use the data you give us to verify your identity and to help ensure that the process of making comments is not left open to abuse.
Since the introduction of General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) comments are published with names and contact details redacted, but your address will still be public. This enables the comments to be referenced within decision making documents including the officer’s assessment.
Anonymous or confidential comments
Failure to provide your name and address will mean that your comments have to be treated as anonymous and consequently will carry little weight.
If a person requests that their comment is to be made confidential, we can do this and your comment won’t be published.
We have a duty to make the content of comments available for the public to view. So consequently, the planning officer(s) reviewing the application will see your comment, but it cannot be taken into account in determining the application. We won’t be able to reference it on the officer report and it won’t be listed as an objection.