Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL charges and how to pay

We have District-wide charges for CIL, which are set out in the Horsham District Council CIL Charging Schedule. The South Downs National Park Authority has its own CIL Charging Schedule.

CIL charges

The CIL regulations require indexation to be applied to the CIL rate, which means Horsham District Council’s CIL rate is adjusted in accordance with the appropriate index figure in January every year.

The CIL rates for CIL chargeable developments granted planning permission in each year (including the current year) can be viewed in the table below. Further CIL rate calculations can be found below the table.


CIL charge

£/m² for 2017

CIL charge

£/m² for 2018

CIL charge

£/m² for 2019

CIL charge

£/m² for 2020

CIL charge

£/m² for 2021

CIL charge

£/m² for 2022

CIL charge

£/m² for 2023

CIL charge

£/m² for 2024

CIL charge
£/m2 for 2025

Residential Development

District Wide (Zone 1)*









Residential Development

Strategic Sites (Zone 2)*









‘Large format’ retail development (A1 to A5)*









‘Standard Charge’*









*See maps and definitions in Horsham District Council's Charging Schedule.

How to pay CIL

If your development is deemed to be liable for CIL, you will go through the below process.

Assume liability

If your development is deemed to be liable for CIL, the developer, landowner or another interested party must submit an Assumption of Liability form  before the development commences.

If planning permission is granted, you will receive a Liability Notice that sets out the charge due, details of the payment procedure and information about next steps.

Submitting the Assumption of Liability form before planning permission is granted will speed up the process of issuing a Liability Notice.

Submit a Commencement Notice

Before you start development you will need to submit a Commencement Notice.

The Commencement Notice must be received by the Council at least 1 day before the commencement of the development. You can send the notice by email to or post to CIL Team, Horsham District Council, Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB.

The Council will acknowledge receipt of any  Commencement Notice  it receives  and we advise not to commence the development until you have  received this acknowledgement  letter.

If a valid Commencement Notice is not received at least 1 day before the commencement of development a surcharge will be applied and payment of the CIL will be due in full  immediately.

We will then issue a Demand Notice to whoever has assumed liability.

Pay the CIL according to the Demand Notice

Your Demand Notice will set out how and when to pay the CIL. If the CIL is paid late, you will be charged interest and surcharges will be applied depending on how late the payment is. We will issue a receipt for each payment received.