Protected trees

Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made to protect a tree, or group of trees, or a woodland, in a particular area.

Any type of tree can be protected by a TPO regardless of its species; this includes hedgerow trees, but not hedges, bushes or shrubs. The TPO can cover anything from a single tree, groups of trees and woodlands, provided they meet a number of criteria needed to make the order.

Find out if a tree has a TPO

Apply for works to a tree with a TPO

How do Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) affect properties?

Where trees are protected by a Tree Preservation Order, approval from Horsham District Council is required before any works are carried out on those trees.

Tree Preservation Orders and planning applications

A Tree Preservation Order cannot be used as a tool to prevent planning permission being granted, but the Council will consider the risk to protected trees when deciding planning applications.

Once planning permission is granted, any felling or surgery may be carried out which is directly required to allow for the planning permission to be fully implemented.

Request that a tree is considered for protection by a TPO

Any person can apply for a TPO to be put on trees owned either by themselves or someone else; however all requests are subject to a strict criteria to warrant a TPO being made.

To do this, you will need to complete the TPO Request Form and return to our Tree Section:

  • Email
  • Or write to Tree Section, Horsham District Council, Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB.

Local planning authorities can make a Tree Preservation Order if it appears to them to be ‘expedient in the interests of amenity to make provision for the preservation of trees or woodlands in their area’.

Tree Preservation Order (TPO) Request Form