Protected trees
In this section
Check if a tree is protected
A tree in Horsham District may be protected for a number of reasons and under varying legislation.
A tree may be protected if:
- It has a Tree Preservation Order
- It is located within a Conservation area
- There are conditions attached on a planning application
The easiest way to find out whether trees are affected by Tree Preservation Orders or are within a Conservation Area is to use our Tree Preservation Order Map
To view or download a copy of a TPO:
- Open our Tree Preservation Order Map
- Locate the area you're looking for on the map, or search by postcode in the top right corner
- Click on the tree marker to bring up the details of the TPO and click More options to view and download a copy of the order
Alternatively, you can view maps of conservation areas on our Conservation areas pages and identify if conditions have been placed on a planning approval on our View and comment on planning applications page.

Are trees such as English Oak always protected?
Only trees which are covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or are located within a Conservation Area are protected. Less important trees can also be required to be retained on development sites for a limited period of up to 5 years by a condition placed on a planning consent.
Trees covered by Forestry Regulations
In the countryside, field trees and woodlands come under the 1967 Forestry Act (as amended), which means that anyone looking to carry out extensive tree felling must obtain a licence.
To apply for a licence, please email the Forestry Commission at, or call them on 0300 067 4420.