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You searched for empty properties - showing 31–40 of 781 results.

Horsham District Council Data Retention Schedule

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Retain from year records created for 3 years. Property. 2.2.8. Assessment of properties for energy efficiency (HDC Properties). ... Property Limitation Act 1980 (Sec. 2). 2.4.2. Gas safety inspection Annual gas safety inspections for properties under

Horsham District Planning Framework 2015

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Horsham District Planning Framework(excluding South Downs National Park). November 2015. Images: Toby Phillips. 3Introduction1. 5Planning Context2. 9Spatial Vision and Objectives3. 13Spatial Objectives14Spatial Portrait. 19Policies for Growth and

Economic Growth Assessment

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9. Economic Performance. 10. Current Stock of Employment Space. 11. Commercial Property Market Conditions. ... different role to play in economic and property market terms. As the largest.

Upper Beeding Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018-31

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Upper Beeding Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2031. 10th February 2020. UPPER BEEDING PARISH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN 2. Contents. Page. Number. Foreword. 1.0 Introduction and Background 4. 2.0 The Neighbourhood Plan Area 7. 3.0 Planning Policy Context 15.

Horsham Revenues and Benefits PO Box 5327 Civic, 1 ...

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4. The property becomes empty, or become occupied. 5. The ratepayer enters any form of formal insolvency. ... place a Charging Order on the rated property as an alternative to enforcement or hardship.

SHELAA Economic Land AssessmentHorsham Forest

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SHELAA Economic Land AssessmentHorsham Forest

LACORS Fire Safety Regulations

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range of property types, occupancy arrangements and. occupier type. Fire risks in rented accommodation, and. ... equally acceptable level of fre safety for a particular. property, and sometimes identical properties may need.

Horsham Level 1 SFRA

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Horsham District Council

Horsham District Planning Framework 2015

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Horsham District Planning Framework(excluding South Downs National Park). November 2015. Images: Toby Phillips. 3Introduction1. 5Planning Context2. 9Spatial Vision and Objectives3. 13Spatial Objectives14Spatial Portrait. 19Policies for Growth and

Northern West Sussex Strategic Housing Market Assessment

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The SHMA shows a particular focus of existing housing in Crawley on 3-bed properties; and limited. ... toward 1- and 2-bed properties. To ensure balance within the market and provide a choice of.