Search results
You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 101–110 of 1136 results.
Children's Fun Sessions in Horsham Park
Our free Children's Fun Sessions are perfect for children under 6. Come along in the school holidays for an hour of fun and games!
Horsham District Council Publication Scheme
Horsham District Council’s Guide to Information is the information that we routinely publish in order to fulfill our obligations set out at section 19 Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Council has adopted the Information Commissioner’s model
Pulborough Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version November 2024
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Pulborough Neighbourhood Planning Strategic Referendum
Henfield Neighbourhood Development Plan Sustainability Appraisal
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South Downs National Park. The parish therefore falls within two Local Planning Authorities,. ... Enplan ref 02/772. SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES FACING HENFIELD | 17. Local Nature Reserve - designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access
Unaudited Statement of Accounts 2022-23
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ORGANISATIONAL OVERVIEW AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT. Horsham District is the second largest local authority district in West Sussex which covers a large area of open countryside, small towns and villages. ... Parking income continued to recover and eclipsed
Southwater Parish Design Statement
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Tower Hill. Blakes Farm Area. Christ’s Hospital Denne Park. Two Mile Ash. ... Access to the two industrial parks in the village by lorry is unrestricted.
Date: 08 November 2023 Our ref: 455868 Your ref: ...
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their functions (under (section 11 A (2) of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act. ... 1949 for National Parks and S85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act, 2000 for AONBs).
Horsham Local Plan Examination Written statement from Save West ...
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Submitted by Fenella Maitland-Smith on 22nd November 2024. Matter 4, Issue 2 - Whether the approach to the natural environment, biodiversity, landscape, coalescence, countryside, green and blue infrastructure and local green ... the wider setting offers
Horsham District Local Plan Examination Horsham District Council Schedule ...
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Within Horsham District, designated heritage assets include listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered parks or gardens, and conservation areas. ... Site) 2 2 4 (2). 5. Fryern Park , Storrington (Existing site) 2 2 4 (2).
Heading 9
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Whilst residential development would extend into the main car park area, an area to. ... The site is previously developed, and its redevelopment would not. result in any encroachment into the countryside.