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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 251–260 of 1135 results.
Henfield Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum Version May 2021
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2.14 To the south of Henfield lies the South Downs National Park. ... The surrounding countryside which includes part of the South Downs National Park, provides a good environment for residents to enjoy and enhance social pursuits with a number of
Examination of the Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040 MATTER ...
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5. - 30th November 2020 – Meeting with Horsham District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority. ... The site itself falls outside of the National Park defined boundary but within its setting.
Rusper Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Version
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wanted it to continue to have its rural nature and open access to countryside. ... ii. Access to countryside. Rusper must seek to increase footways, cycle routes and bridleways.
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typical Sussex countryside with beautiful wooded and country scenery including old. ... $"!%&'(&)#$',-&.$//&"#&'&#('("!&'(&0$+"#(1#&)#2"('3-. Route A. 1. Park in Lintot Square, Southwater. Go back onto.
Henfield Neighbourhood Development Plan: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Post Adoption Statement Nov 2021
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countryside park which would be a visual buffer for the development, provide valued. ... countryside. It also delivers development at a consistent density to other greenfield sites.
Heath Common Consultation Statement
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should be made clearer in the text and the map (showing National Park boundary). ... For the above reasons no reference to Water Lane Country Park has been added.
Facilitating Appropriate Development
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Strategic Planning Housing Applications Policy
Horsham District Council Data Retention Schedule
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Planned preventative & reactive maintenance & work requests to street lighting in: Car Parks, Shooting Field, Bennetts Field Path, Riverside Walk Path, Hurst Road path to Horsham Park, Carfax, West Street Up Down ... List of vehicles, which are entitled
240725 FINAL Natural England SoCG
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area covered by the Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040 (HDLP) and comprises Horsham District but excluding the land within the South Downs National Park. ... the District lies) may be having significant adverse impacts on protected sites in the Arun
Horsham District Council User Guide
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Countryside Protection, Strategic Policy 16 Protected. Landscapes, and Strategic Policy 17 Green Infrastructure. ... Nightingale Road, Horsham. Station Approach, Pulborough. Clarity. 4. Oakhurst Business Park, Wilberforce Way, Southwater.