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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 261–270 of 1135 results.
May 2020 Cowfold Neighbourhood Development Plan Regulation 16 Consultation ...
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housing and a community park, does not appear to have been a consideration. ... Local benefits, through investment in the local community;. • New areas of public open space including a new community park and/or significant.
Horsham District Council User Guide
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Countryside Protection, Strategic Policy 16 Protected. Landscapes, and Strategic Policy 17 Green Infrastructure. ... Nightingale Road, Horsham. Station Approach, Pulborough. Clarity. 4. Oakhurst Business Park, Wilberforce Way, Southwater.
1 Neighbourhood Plan June 2019 Warnham Neighbourhood Development Plan ...
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Warnham Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017-2031
Habitat Regulation Assessment
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HRA (South Downs National Park website). 3.3.6 This seems to be a fair assessment and likely to be consistent with the Regulations and European law. ... South Downs National Park Local Plan
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Site Area (ha) 0.528. Site Name 2 to 8 Springfield Park Road. ... SA - 275: 2,4,6,8 Springfield Park Road, Horsham. DeliverableDevelopable. Not Currently Developable.
Billingshurst Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan January 2018 ...
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There is little topographical variation through the village, with gentle undulations apparent in the surrounding countryside. ... Where the Conservation Area abuts the surrounding countryside, the character of the landscape fringe is defined below.
Storrington Sullington Parish Design Statement
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The view is very different now, being the library and car park site. ... The National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act of 1949 suggested a National Park should be a “wild” and “easily identifiable area” of land.
Matter 1 Issue 2 Legal Compliance This statement is ...
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The assessment incorrectly states that the hedgerows limit sightlines to the wider countryside. ... Figure 3 View of STO1 from footpath 2463 with the South Downs National Park behind.
Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex ...
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There is opportunity to explore the cycle route and footpath passing through the new park rather than along the road which will be a more pleasant and safe environment but will ... As such, it is important that links to the countryside and access to open
Pulborough Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan January 2018 ...
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Topography. Pulborough is located on the northern edge of the South Downs National Park. ... Where the Conservation Area abuts the surrounding countryside, the character of this landscape fringe has been defined below.