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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 271–280 of 1135 results.
Unaudited Statement of Accounts 2023-24 Draft
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ORGANISATIONAL OVERVIEW AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT. Horsham District is the second largest local authority district in West Sussex which covers a large area of open countryside, small towns and villages.
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the expansion of rural tourism (linked to creation of the ProposedSouth Downs National Park)alternative land uses (relating to rural sports and leisure)food processing (linked to produce grown or reared ... changing face ofthe countryside)activities
Appendix 2 Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing
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obligations and affordable housing from new development across Horsham. District (except the area covered by the South Downs National Park).
HorsHAm DistrictLocAL DeVeLopment FrAmework to 2018 Land west of ...
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A public bridleway know as MillLanegoes through the site, from the existing village, though thedevelopment area to the countryside beyond. ... Car parks; surfaced roads andfootpaths allowed to cross the. No buildings allowed at all3 metres.
Examination of the Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040 MATTER ...
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In relation to para 6 of the policy, part a refers to a station car park in the south-west of the draft site allocation. ... It is unclear who would use the proposed station car park and how.
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Parts of the south of the Authority fall within the South Downs National Park (SDNP), which is one of 12 national parks in the Country. ... 31 Horsham Free Christian Church, Worthing Road Horsham Town. 32 Horsham Park Barn Horsham Town.
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Scheduled Monuments. RAMSAR sitesRegistered Parks and Gardens. Special Protection Areas. Site Assessment Ranking. ... The site is located in the countryside south west of the built up area boundary of Broadbridge Heath, which is classified as Small
DMH Stallard – Representor number: 1192354 Matter 7 – ...
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sites in the countryside which have been allocated in Neighbourhood Plans, and specifically state. ... Developed Land (PDL). Those areas outside of BUABs will be defined as ‘countryside’ where development will be more strictly controlled.
Henfield Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan January 2018 ...
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Where the Conservation Area abuts the surrounding countryside, the character of this landscape fringe has been defined below. ... Modern development has intruded in part, but the rural character prevails and provides a link to the surrounding countryside
The Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Hillside Park site in Small Dole. The unauthorised sites at Kingfisher Farm are currently. ... this need will therefore need to take place with the South Downs National Park Authority.