Search results

You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 281–290 of 1135 results.

1 Design Statement for the Parish of Billingshurst Supplementary ...

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w Parking is in extremely short supply around the station. Workers park in the side roads for the many businesses in this small area. ... It has a skate park, basketball hoop. and goal units for the youth, children’s play area, open space and the

Settlement Sustainability and Greenfield Site Allocations in the Horsham Local Development Framework

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Due to the nature of the Output Areas most of the settlements are shown as extending well into the countryside. ... 17 The Countryside Agency (2001) Are Villages Sustainable? Research Report by Centre for Environment and Planning, University of the West

Southwater Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2031 Referendum version

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rich in countryside walks. The Downs Link crosses the Parish from Christ’s. ... inappropriate development. 5.2. Alongside our open countryside, Southwater Country Park is our largest.

Henfield Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017-2031

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National Park Authority (SDNPA) by Henfield Parish Council in its capacity as the. ... reinforced its connections with the surrounding countryside. I looked in particular at the.

HDC SHELAA Housing Land Report by Parish, December 2018 ...

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Kingswood. Oakm. ead. OAK CLOSE. Heathfield. Car Park. Brow Top. El Sub Sta. ... Close. Dems. Oaks. White. Highbrook. LANE. Car Park. Holly. WALK. El Sub Sta.

Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, ...

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National Park designation refers to “landscape” and “scenic beauty” whereas LGS designation refers to “beauty”. ... Sweetland qualifies on “beauty” in part because it forms the “gateway view” when leaving the Town and entering the

Sport Open Space and Recreation Assessment 2014

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greenspaces and parks and gardens – and to some extent sports pitches – into a new typology of “multi-functional greenspaces” (MFGS). ... For example, Horsham Park was included in the databases for parks and gardens; play areas; youth activity

(V4) Fact check version Chiddingfold Draft Report

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Including support for a landscape car park to be provided on the West Glebe. ... the National Park, is covered by the South Downs Local Plan, which was adopted.

The Local Authority’s Response to the Scoping Request The ...

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The HDPF is the overarching planning document for Horsham District excluding the South Downs National Park. ... defined built up area boundaries and is within the countryside. Reference is made to the following within the Scoping Report (in italics) and

Wineham and Shermanbury Plan Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment

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the siting of services and facilities, and on impact on the countryside and setting of the settlements. ... Parish Boundary! Park North, North Street, Horsham, Confirmed by Horsham District Council under West Sussex.