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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 321–330 of 1135 results.
HDC CBC Final SOCG signed July 2024
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the “net zero” aspirations of both authorities through the development from Crawley’s neighbourhoods to the countryside beyond. ... including Natural England, Environment Agency, Southern Water) and authorities (West Sussex County Council, South
1 This plan repeatedly refers to Neighbourhood Plans and ...
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It is in the countryside and therefore contrary to Policies 3, 26 and 27. ... in the Green Gap, detrimental to the countryside and in an unsustainable location.
Schedule 3 – Selection Criteria for Screening Schedule 2 Development
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boundaries of the site comprise well established boundary vegetation beyond which lies countryside. ... the locality and its immediate and wider setting within the National Park landscape.
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The restoration of the site would result in a landform suitable for countryside recreation and be integrated into the neighbouring Country Park. ... Site would be restored for beneficial informal countryside recreation uses. No impacts anticipated.
Schedule 3 – Selection Criteria for Screening Schedule 2 Development
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SSSI, National Park, property on World Heritage List, Scheduled monuments, AONB, SPA or SAC). ... It is therefore located within the countryside but close to a defined settlement.
Horsham District Economic Strategy 2017-2027
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Providing a range of business premises is important, with calls for small units in rural areas, high-tech business parks, industrial units, serviced sites and Grade A offices. ... Providing a range of business premises is important, with calls for small
Audited Statement of Accounts 2020-21
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ORGANISATIONAL OVERVIEW AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT. Horsham District is the second largest local authority district in West Sussex which covers a large area of open countryside, small towns and villages. ... Oakhurst phase IV: a £2.2m development of
Schedule 3 – Selection Criteria for Screening Schedule 2 Development
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SSSI, National Park, property on World Heritage List, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, AONB, SPA or SAC). ... the locality and its immediate and wider setting within the National Park landscape.
Horsham District Local Plan Interim SA of strategic sites _ growth options
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LUC I 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 South Downs National Park Authority (July 2019) South Downs Local Plan. ... SA 5.3 Does the Plan provide access to recreational opportunities
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Westof. Bew. bush. JointAreaActionPlan(2009). town through the West of Bewbush site to the countryside beyond. ... of the community.Good access to the countryside; incorporating a network of public rightsof way.