Search results

You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 331–340 of 1135 results.

Upper Beeding Sustainability Appraisal and SEA

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by the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA). These documents have been subject. ... 3. The South Downs National Park covers the southern part of the parish.

1 Pulborough Neighbourhood Plan Examination Statement by Horsham District ...

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neighbourhood area is within the South Downs National Park and the village is. ... National Park and make reference to Dark Night skies guidance. It is noted.

West Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version

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11 WGNPWG Background Document Paper Countryside and Open Space - Policy 3: Local Green Space, February 2017. ... 12 WGNPWG Background Document Paper Countryside and Open Space - Policy 3: Local Green Space, March 2020.

Screening Opinion - Thistleworth Farm - Landraising - WG20b ...

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Unlikely. There are no designated landscape features within or in close proximity, albeit the site is ‘countryside’. ... There is a Garden Centre complex and commercial premises to the south (opposite site access form Grinders Lane), beyond which is


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Horsham District Local Plan Interim SA Non-Technical Summary of sites _ growth options

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A minor positive effect is identified in combination with the negative effect for West of Billingshurst as a significant proportion of the site is expected to be a new country park. ... of the High Weald AONB and those within the South Downs National Park

Schedule 3 – Selection Criteria for Screening Schedule 2 Development

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SSSI, National Park, property on World Heritage List, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, AONB, SPA or SAC). ... No significant and/or residual environmental impacts anticipated. iv) nature reserves and parks (e.g.

Opinion Research Services | The Strand • Swansea • ...

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29. Future Priorities and Any Further Issues. 29. South Downs National Park (SDNP). ... The Local Plan contains Policy HOU10. New Park Home Sites for Non-Nomadic (i.e.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Report 2007

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previously the Countryside Agency).

WSGB response - changes to the current planning system

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involved (urban, semi-rural, and a National Park) gives the group a unique perspective. ... Neighbourhood Plans in the South Downs National Park area, the vast majority of.