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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 341–350 of 1135 results.
Schedule 3 – Selection Criteria for Screening Schedule 2 Development
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SSSI, National Park, property on World Heritage List, Scheduled monuments, AONB, SPA or SAC). ... The site is surrounded by adjacent commercial uses and surrounding countryside beyond with sporadic residential dwellings.
Unaudited Statement of Accounts 2021-22 updated HDC version 16 March 23
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ORGANISATIONAL OVERVIEW AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT. Horsham District is the second largest local authority district in West Sussex which covers a large area of open countryside, small towns and villages.
Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing
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obligations and affordable housing from new development across Horsham District (except the area covered by the South Downs National Park).
Gatwick Sub Region Water Cycle Study
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Gatwick Sub Region. Outline Water Cycle Study. Final Report. 14 January 2011. cbcdataEH-PE-GroupPlanning - Forward PlanningLocal Plan. 2014Evidence BaseClimate Change &. Sustainability27879rr037i2 Final Report.doc. Page ii. 14 January 2011.
Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, ...
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planning authorities. The areas outside the South Downs National Park fall under Horsham. ... National Park Authority. The two local planning authorities have agreed that for the purpose.
Employment Land Review Part 2 (October 2010)
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for a strategic business and innovation district (to including science park, incubator facilities,.
Hannah Booth Report Horsham Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2019-09-06
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Horsham District Council
Bramber Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018-31 Examiners Report
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National Park Authority (SDNPA) by Bramber Parish Council in its capacity as the. ... Horsham District Council. Historic England. South Downs National Park Authority.
Detailed Assessment Report of Cowfold Air Quality 2011
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Detailed Assessment Report of Cowfold Air Quality 2011
Northern West Sussex Strategic Housing Market Assessment
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Downs National Park and the more rural parts of Horsham demonstrating higher house price ranges.