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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 351–360 of 1135 results.


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document (South Downs National Park Authority and Natural England, 2018) provides guidance. ... works will affect this site; and. Sedgwick Park LWS – it is not considered likely that the proposed works will affect this.

A report to Horsham District Council on the Steyning Neighbourhood Development Plan

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National Park Authority (SDNPA) by Steyning Parish Council (SPC) in its capacity as. ... National Park. It provides an attractive backcloth to the elements of built development.

Intelligent Plans and examinations Report on Ashington Neighbourhood Plan 2019-31

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To the south of the Parish lies the South Downs National Park, which contributes significantly. ... appropriate landscaping and improved access to the countryside is clear. In the interests of consistency, the words ‘National Park’ should be inserted

Horsham Town Plan Sustainability Appraisal 2012

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Sustainability Appraisal of the Horsham Town Plan 2012

Shipley Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2031

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the quality of the environment and countryside, and access to this, enhanced for all. ... South of Horsham, in a part of the Weald where the whole countryside looks like a tidy landscaped park.

220 3.03 Sites not identified for potential allocation for ...

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The site is more open to the countryside with views to the west. ... To the south is open countryside, and to the north is Marringdean Road.

Report to Crawley Borough Council by Glen Rollings BA ...

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HWNL and South Downs National Park to the south, it is perhaps unsurprising. ... Some. consolidation and reconfiguration on existing employment estates, through town. centre redevelopment and at the Horley Business Park site, adjacent in Reigate.

Northern West Sussex EGA Update Final Report Crawley Borough ...

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Park allocation at Horley, and anticipated impact of growth at Gatwick Airport; and. ... There are also some larger employers situated at key employment sites such as Tilgate Forest and Maidenbower Business Park.

Woodmancote Parish Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Report

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General Development Control Policies for that part of the Plan area within the South Downs National Park. ... The South Downs National Park Authority also designated the neighbourhood area on 17th February 2014.

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople: Draft site allocations development plan document

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updated. 1.10 As a result of the consultation process three sites; (Fryern Park Farm, Hurston. ... 1.11 The loss of the Fryern Park, Hurston Lane, Parson’s Field and Rowfold sites meant.