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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 361–370 of 1135 results.
Schedule 3 – Selection Criteria for Screening Schedule 2 Development
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SSSI, National Park, property on World Heritage List,. Scheduled Ancient Monuments, AONB, SPA or SAC). ... any designated areas of ancient woodland / TPOs). N/A None. iv) nature reserves and parks (e.g.
Place Services Horsham Local Plan Habitat Regulations Assessment 30 Jan 2020
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stewardship. Our Natural Environment Team has expertise of arboriculture, biodiversity, countryside management and ecology.
Warnham Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017-2031 Submission Version – Examination ...
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Warnham has retained its separate identity, set in open countryside. The WNDP explains the. ... 14. • Impact on the countryside, landscape setting and biodiversity - There is a potential.
230227 LURB reforms to national planning policy - clean draft response
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Such areas could also support nature recovery corridors, community green space and access to the countryside for residents. ... small border with the administrative area of a large city, at which point there is a national park designation.
Billingshurst Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019-31
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Policy 26 Countryside Protection. Policy 32 Quality of New Development. Policy 43 Community Facilities, Leisure and Recreation. ... building a strong, competitive economy;. • recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside and
Horsham PPS_Stage C_March_V3_Submitted
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Page 10 of 169. Airport and the edge of the South Downs National Park and covers an area of 205 square miles of open countryside and designated areas of outstanding natural ... Horsham Sparrows. Key issues:. • Lack of available pitches, Horsham Park is
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and car parks, sports stadiums, leisure centres and multiplex cinemas”, with a development area of 1.7 hectares, exceeding the one hectare threshold set out in Schedule 2. ... national designations are more than 2km away. There are no conservation
Ref: RW/EW/03716/L0011 7 September 2018 Horsham District Council Development ...
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the north and east. To the west is open countryside beyond the A29. ... special scientific interest, European site or a National Park, is not within close proximity any listed buildings.
Upper Beeding Neighbourhood Development Plan Examiners Report
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National Park Authority (SDNPA) by Upper Beeding Parish Council in its capacity as. ... Policy 26 Countryside Protection. Policy 32 Quality of New Development. Policy 38 Flooding.
Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, ...
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it is in accordance with the development plan policies on appropriate uses in the countryside; or ii. ... ii. Proposals to improve the skate park, in consultation with its core users.