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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 381–390 of 1135 results.

Schedule 3 – Selection Criteria for Screening Schedule 2 Development

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SSSI, National Park, property on World Heritage List,. Scheduled Ancient Monuments, AONB, SPA or SAC). ... Low to medium. iv) nature reserves and parks (e.g. any impacts on designated.

Lower Beeding Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014-2031 A report to ...

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The. parish is located in the wider countryside to the south-east of Horsham. ... The Plan comments that green. infrastructure includes trees, woodlands, hedges, verges, parks, recreational space,.

Horsham District Council Horsham District Local Plan: Sustainability Appraisal ...

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This includes South Down National Park to the south and High Weald AONB to the north east. ... SA 5.3 Does the Plan provide access to recreational opportunities in the countryside?

Horsham District Council Sustainability Appraisal of the Horsham District ...

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HorshamNeighbouring authoritySouth Downs National Park. Horsham District Council Sustainability Appraisal. Figure 1.1: Location of Horsham District. ... This chapter also sets out the Development Hierarchy for. ____________________________________________

12 3.0 Housing Assessment Outcomes 13 3.01 Strategic Sites ...

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of the South Downs National Park and reduce the appearance of coalescence with nearby settlements. ... There is also potential to incorporate a communal photovoltaic battery storage park to maximise resilience and efficiency of renewable energy generated


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Please refer to supporting evidence/background papers on this matter. South Downs National Park (SDNP). ... In addition, and in support of the Policy, a large countryside park has been included abutting the overall site.

Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment

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reducing reliance on the use of the car; the need to ensure a vibrant rural economy; the need to protect the character of the countryside, including biodiversity and. ... Park and Roffey South wards are more deprived than other parts of the District,

Horsham District Council Sustainability Appraisal of the Horsham District ...

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This shows, that in relation to SA objective 17: employment, the site is within 1.5km of Wiston Business Park key employment area, but that pedestrian access to this site is ... Any journeys which are made by car from the site to the business park would

Draft V4 – 22.01.17 BUILT SPORTS FACILITY STRATEGY 2017 ...

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R.8. Plan for the long-term replacement of Pavilions in the Park. ... The District gives its name to stretches between Gatwick Airport and the edge of the South Downs National Park and covers an area of 205 square miles of open countryside and

Horsham_PPS_Strategy and Action Plan_v3

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Airport and the edge of the South Downs National Park and covers an area of 205 square miles of. ... provision to meet. current demand. Parham Park is the only sites with unsecured community use, however, there are only 3.