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You searched for Parks and Countryside - showing 91–100 of 1136 results.
Budget Book 2020-21
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Despite resourcing pressures on the Democratic Services team from elections, Parks and Countryside and the Capitol creating overspends in these areas, overall, the estimated forecast outturn for 2019/20 at the ... transformation. 5.4 Other significant
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2015, and sets the planning framework for land outside the South Downs National Park. ... communications support. These include staff within Development Management,. Economic Development, Parks and Countryside, Housing Services and.
Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex ...
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Currently part of the land identified for the countryside park is for private use by the angling club. ... We welcome the reference to enhancing local habitats and net biodiversity gain through the creation of the countryside park.
Ash dieback
Information about Horsham District Council's plans to tackle ash dieback in the District's trees.
Horsham District Local Plan (2023-2040) Hearing Statement Relating to ...
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2 Wessex Business Park. Colden Common. Winchester. Hampshire. SO21 1WP. ... Countryside Properties (‘Countryside’), which is now part of the Vistry Group.
2022-23 Budget BookZ
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collection implementation, and £0.3m for a new path around Horsham Park in the capital programme. ... A further £0.45m is also programmed to be invested in three rural car parks.
December 2024 Wellbeing Walks Programme Free, sociable, family friendly ...
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Bus 23 and 98 from Horsham takes you to the Park and Ride. ... Meet in car park of the Country Park, (off Cripplegate Lane, RH13 9UN).
1 Horsham District Council’s Biodiversity Report – First Consideration ...
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Parks & countryside / estates. Land stewardship. HDC owned sites designated as LWS: Warnham Nature Reserve, Southwater Country Park, Owlbeech & Leechpool Woods, Chesworth Farm, Sandgate Park, Henfield, Broadmare and Oreham Commons, Denne Road
Green Infrastructure Study
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The canal is also of importance from a biodiversity perspective. • Southwater Country Park. ... Potential to improve links from towns and villages such as Billingshurst and Ashington into the wider countryside, including the AONB and National Park, and
Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan November 2024
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Cowfold Neighbourhood Planning Strategic