
Coronavirus: Wheels for All session guidance

This document is to accompany and guide use of the Wheels For All 2020 Covid 19 Risk assessment from (provisionally) September 2020.

All Wheels For All staff, volunteers, The Bridge Leisure Centre staff, riders, rider’s family members and support staff must read this document along with the Horsham Wheels For All risk assessment before attending any Wheels For All session from September 2020 onwards.

Booking your place

All Wheels For All session attendance must now be confirmed by booking online. Each rider will receive a one hour session.

A link to online booking can be found here: and select Reaching Higher Project

When booking online, the person(s) making the booking must:

  • Complete Session consent
  • Confirm the number of attendees (family members/ support staff)
  • Confirm all contact details of attendees for “Track and Trace” purposes
  • Confirm that all attendees have been Covid-19 Symptom free for 7 days
  • All attendees must be from the same household or bubble
  • Confirm session timing
  • Request cycle(s) for training- please note cycles cannot be shared amongst riders at present. Bicycles will be allocated on a first come first serve basis and be exclusive to the booked party for the duration of the session.
  • Complete online payment

At the session

Upon arrival at the athletics track please follow the following guidance

  1. When making your online booking you will be given a session start time, please arrive promptly at the stated time.
  2. Before entering the track, please use the hand sanitiser provided. An instructor will be on hand to direct you to these facilities.
  3. Entrance to the track is via the ramped walkway. This area must remain clear when not in use. If another group are using the entrance/ exit, please wait until it is free to use. Be sure not to block each end of the ramp by keeping a distance of at least 2 metres.
  4. Once on track you will be allocated an instructor and moved to you reserved cycle.
  5. Riders in need of a helmet will be able to obtain one from our supply (helmets must not be shared and returned to the “used” box after the session)
  6. Bicycle adjustment will be carried out by instructors – riders must not be on the cycle whilst these works are carried out (instructors will wear a face mask, gloves and clean the area worked on with alcoholic wipes)
  7. Assisting riders onto or off of a cycle, must be carried out by family members or support staff of the rider.
  8. As is per usual at Wheels For All Horsham, all riders must travel in an anti-clockwise direction on the track. An allocated instructor will remain with the rider’s group throughout the session.
  9. When passing other groups on track, ensure that a gap in excess of 2 metres is kept. If this is not possible, the group must wait until appropriate. Groups may ring bells to alert other groups of their presence.
  10. Wheels For All Emergency procedure and first aid response will remain in place as normal. If either is required, please alert the nearest Wheels For All instructor.

At the conclusion on training, please return your cycle to the allocated area for used cycle storage. We must ensure the hour-long training session ends promptly on time.

Once your session is over, we respectfully ask each group to vacate the track as soon as possible, in order to avoid any crowding in the pit/waiting area.

Wheels for All regulars will notice that we will no longer provide refreshments to attendees.

We must ask any family members/support staff not riding to wait in the grandstand seating area. Each group will be given their own area to wait in.

After your session

Should you be contacted by government track and trace procedure in the days following your Wheels For All session, please pass on the following Wheels For All Horsham contact details: Paul Taylor – or 07764 146339.

In the five days following your Wheels For All training session, should you or any party members experience Covid-19 Symptoms please contact Wheels For All Horsham immediately.

We look forward to welcoming you back to our cycling club this autumn, and we hope you will enjoy your sessions with us. We are keen to ensure that Wheels For All offers you the platform to develop your riding skills and excel as cyclists. Will warmly welcome your feedback regarding your sessions - please make any comments you feel beneficial to your sessions via you instructor or by emailing Horsham Wheels For All at