Volunteer Awards 2025

As part of Volunteers’ Week in 2025, we want to celebrate the amazing volunteers that work in and around Horsham District.

We know just how hard you have worked not only delivering your existing objectives, but also expanding your work and even setting up new community projects to support residents through the challenges of the last few years.

You have been championing the voluntary sector in Horsham District and are a fundamental part of what makes it such a fantastic place to live, work, and visit.

2024 Winners Group Photo

But we know it’s not always easy. We know there are ongoing struggles impacting the voluntary sector, and we recognise that the financial climate, at times, makes us all concerned about how to keep our charities lights on. Notwithstanding this, the voluntary sector will always be about its people and relationships. And that’s what we want to celebrate this year at Horsham District’s Volunteer Awards.

Award categories

We have seven awards that you can make a nomination for. We’d love to hear from you if you know someone who volunteers in Horsham District and fits the bill for any of the awards below! Make your nomination using our online form.

Biggest Heart Award
Does someone in your volunteering team always give it their all? Is their heart bursting with pride in the work that they do? Are they a brilliant listener and do they go above and beyond to help make the difference?

Trustee of the Year
Sometimes it’s the quiet ones who are the unsung heroes, quietly leading their charity to fulfil its purposes and potential. Which trustee inspires you?

Long Service Award
Do you have a volunteer on your team who has been volunteering with you so long, you’re now not sure when they started?! Tell us the story of how they got started volunteering and why they continue to volunteer.

Outstanding Contribution Award
Of course, all volunteers make an outstanding contribution, but is there someone in your team who goes above and beyond?

Permanent Smile Award
Volunteers that are there to welcome people with open arms and a smile are worth their weight in gold. Is there someone on your team you think should be recognised for lifting morale, celebrating successes, and smiling their way through their volunteering?

The Dream Team Award
There is no “I” in team, and we truly believe you can get anything done so long as you don’t mind who takes the credit. Is your volunteer team the “dream team”? Make a nomination and let us help you celebrate their achievements!

Young Volunteer Award
Do you have a committed young volunteer (under 18) who is an inspiration? Do they have a fantastic approach to their volunteering? Are they inspiring others to get involved in volunteering locally?


Anyone can be nominated for one of the volunteer award categories if:

  • They are a volunteer for a charity or community group in Horsham District, West Sussex.
  • They have not already won an award in the Horsham District Volunteer Awards.
  • They are not nominating themselves!
Winners Group 2022

Nominate someone for an award

How can I make a nomination?

Fill out the simple online form to tell us who you want to nominate and why.
All nominations for consideration should be received by 5pm on 11 April 2025.

Make a nomination

Top Tips for writing your nomination:

We’ve put a few tips below for you to keep in mind when you make your nomination.

  • Assume we don’t know anything about your nominee or the organisation/s they volunteer with.
    Tell us what your nominee does for your organisation, and why it makes a difference.
  • Identifying information is anonymised before the nomination goes to the panel. For example, a sentence that reads: ‘Jane volunteers every week at the charity shop’, will be sent to the panel like this: ‘[Nominee] volunteers every week at the charity shop’.

How will the winners be decided?

All nominations received will be put forward to a panel, who will decide the winners for each category. The panel includes representatives from the voluntary sector, members of the Community Development team and members of the Voluntary Sector Support team.

Are there actual awards?

We know that volunteers don’t do what they do to be congratulated. But we also know that sometimes being recognised is a big, well-earnt morale boost.  
There will be awards… you’ll have to wait to see what the prizes are!

Will there be an awards ceremony?

Yes. There will be an awards evening at Slinfold Golf Club on Wednesday 4 June, during Volunteers' Week which all winners will be invited to attend.