Upholstered furniture collection

Use this page to book a collection of any upholstered domestic seating, including:

  • sofas
  • sofa beds
  • armchairs
  • kitchen and dining room chairs
  • stools and foot stools
  • home office chairs
  • futons
  • bean bags, floor and sofa cushions

or any other seating made of or containing leather, synthetic leather, fabric or foam.


Upholstered furniture collections are £30 for the first item and £25 each for each additional item.

Example: If you have two upholstered items to be collected, the cost will be £55.


The following price discounts apply:

  • If you receive full housing benefit and Council Tax Support: 50% discount
  • If you receive full benefits and are state pension age: Free collection

Read the upholstered furniture collection terms and conditions

Before you book

By reusing, selling or donating upholstered furniture, you can avoid these items going to waste and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) being released, which is better all round for the environment.

POPs are pollutants that are commonly used as flame retardants in upholstered furniture. They are safe when the furniture is intact and only become a problem when they are released into the environment, usually through landfilling

There are many apps available to help you give away your item for free including Freecycle, or if you want to sell your item you could try Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace. Local charities will also take furniture in good condition.

Book a collection

Click the button below to book an upholstered furniture collection online.

Items must be put outside the front of the property before 6am on the day of collection in an easily accessible location. We are unable to enter a property to remove items.

In order to prevent POPs escaping into the environment, items of upholstered furniture must remain intact. Please do not cut up or rip any upholstered furniture before putting it out for collection.

To book a collection, please telephone 01403 733144 between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

Why we collect upholstered seating separately

Due to Government regulations, any items of furniture that are upholstered and are contained in the above list must be collected separately from the rest of the items covered in our large item collection service. This is because it is likely that these items contain Persistent Organic Pollutants or POPs, which remain intact in the environment for long periods of time and are commonly used for flame retardants in upholstered furniture.

By collecting these items separately, we can ensure that any POPs are contained during transport and are delivered to a disposal site safely.